Already 2 or more years in the making (or study process), the Peachtree Street Car is making tracks (no pun intended) towards becoming a reality! The task force issued their findings in March, 2007, and now they are seeking public input into the proposed Street Car. What is it going to look like? This is a picture of the Portland, Oregon Streetcar, and the same type that could be gliding up and down Peachtree Street between 16th Street in Midtown and Downtown within 6 years. (Hey, nobody said we do everything fast in the South, right?)
I attended the first of 4 public meetings that are being held (actually now only 2 left as two of them were today, and the others will be next week and the following week in Midtown. Here is that meeting information:

Wednesday, January 16, 6-8 p.m. AT&T Midtown 2 Building,
725 West Peachtree Street AT&T: (404) 888-0349
Tuesday, January 22, 6-8 p.m. First Presbyterian Church,
1328 Peachtree Street, N.E. First Presbyterian: (404) 892-8461
The meeting will cover the vision of the Street Car, where it initially will go, how long it will take to build and become operational, and MOST importantly, the proposed funding to build it! The current proposed funding will have a long term impact on anyone who lives or owns a business in the proposed special assessment district.
I hope to see many of my neighbors there!
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