Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blogs Never Die....We Just Forget About Them?

Back when I started in the whole blogging world, I started this blogsite. Then I "grew up" and moved everything over to Active Rain, where I get great Google juice for my posts! I've also launched a totally new site for Midtown Atlanta Real Estate, called My Midtown Mojo!

Now I know there are people out there in the real estate world that actually run several blogs. My words to them....God Bless! It's all I can do to keep up with the two, this little guy kinda got left behind.

So, today I'm reading a blog about how Google is now going to launch Blog Search whereby you can search for a topic and have just the blog stream of that topic come up. Well, I happened to type a more generic term, Midtown Atlanta Real Estate.....and up popped this little blog as one of the "related blogs." Now there is nothing worse than going to a blog and finding it has not had a posting on it for days, or in this case months!

So, I'm just letting you know, if you happen across this one, note the links above for my other two main sites.....and you WILL find me and lots of current posts there. I'm going to try and stop by here every so often, but just in case, you know where I am!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I Like Mornings Because...

I Like Mornings Because.....They are Great in So Many Ways!

Midtown Atlanta

I like mornings in many different ways.

I'm the MOST productive in the morning than I am the rest of the entire day. TOTALLY!

I like mornings because nobody else is up in the house and I can think.

coffee cupI like mornings because I have the first cup of fresh brewed coffee. (Actually it comes in a beer glass so I get twice as much at one time)

I like mornings because I get to watch the birds at the feeder getting their breakfast.

I like mornings because the bird's song is clearer and not drowned out by the noise of the day.

I like mornings because if I get up early enough to leave for the office, I can get there in 10 minutes instead of 30 plus minutes.

I like mornings because of the nice hot shower.

I like mornings because I get to start my day with a big, healthy scoop of Active Rain!

King Pooh Head

I like mornings because I can look at the picture of my puppy long gone and hear him say "Dad, why you up so early Dad? Need more sleepy." (You know how we all talk to our pets, don't laugh)

I like mornings because they give me the chance to "wipe the slate clean" from the errors and mistakes of yesterday.

"Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can." Douglas Pagels

I like mornings because I'm alive and healthy.

Hello morning!